Don't know how to run a publication? Curious how to find writers, photographers, and graphic designers? Need a Media Kit so you can get advertisers and make that money, honey?

We are a team with 20+ years of experience in media, blogging, and marketing and are sharing our tricks of the trade.

Prepare for ALL of the perks!

Hi, I'm Lindsay

As Editor-in-Chief of Orange County's premier publication, Laguna Beach Living, I have learned the trials and wins of managing a city-specific publication. I am sharing the 20 years of experience I have in managing a team, securing advertisements, and creating content that engages the community. I am giving my hacks that have turned it from a side project into a dream job -- no boss required. Prepare for media stays, free product, and a respect from the community that feels every bit as rewarding as the work that goes into it.